Saturday, 24 December 2011

Vonnie Lui

  • Name: Vonnie Lui
  • Chinese: 雷凯欣
  • Born: October 24, 1983
  • Birthplace: Hong Kong
  • Height: 166cm.


  • 3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy (2011) - The Elder Bliss 
  • Mr. Zhai (2011)
  • Sasori (2008)
  • Hong Kong Bronx | Hak sai lik (2008) - Bonnie Shek
  • Dating A Vampire | Oi seun si sun leung (2006) - Banana
  • Slim Till Dead | Shou shen (2005)
  • My Wife is 18 | Ngo liu poh lut gau ching (2002) - Jay

 Get to know Jorge Lorenzo personally in detail on his life of being a professional rider. #PetronasMotoGP #PETMOS
Yuna fans! #NowYou Can collaborate wit Yuna – u can suggest a title for her next hit whn u listen to it here 

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